Day: November 3, 2021

Khairun U plants 6,900 mangrove seeds on erosion-prone Obi Island

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), Khairun University (Unkhair), Ternate, and a mangrove care group have planted 6,900 mangrove seeds over 6.5 hectares on Obi Island, North Maluku under a joint initiative. The mangrove planting and maintenance, which was carried out by a group of college students and

Minister pushes for providing social security for domestic workers

Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah has continually pushed for the provision of healthcare and social security for domestic workers, and has consistently disseminated information on the rights. Fauziyah remarked that the number of domestic workers, with social security in employment and health, was still low. “The data shows that the

Ministry, ride-hailing entity’s collaboration to support Bali’ tourism

The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy collaborates with one of the biggest ride-hailing entity operating in Bali to support the revival of economic and tourism activities within the island. This step aims to reopen Bali as an international tourist destination that tourists from various countries are looking forward to.

Ministry highlights several factors influencing travel policy

The policy that regulates the conditions for people to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic is influenced by myriad aspects for which it is often subject to change, according to the Transportation Ministry’s spokesperson, Adita Irawati. “This policy is arranged based on the pandemic situation. The government is striving to adjust

Nusantara script standardization document approved by commission

The design of the Indonesian National Standard (RSNI) for the standardization of the Nusantara local script, submitted by the Indonesian Internet Domain Name Registry (PANDI) and literacy activists, has been approved by the technical commission 35-02. The RSNI was submitted for the preservation of Nusantara characters as a cultural heritage

BRIN to hold Ritech Expo 2021 in online format

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has said it will hold Ritech Expo 2021 in a virtual format once more to introduce research and innovation products produced in Indonesia to the public. “The presence of virtual Ritech Expo 2021 does not erase the fact that we, together with R&D,