RIIG: RI proposes several G20 research collaboration themes

Indonesia proposed several themes for enhancing research collaboration among G20 member states during the Research and Innovation Initiative Gathering (RIIG).

“We have proposed several research themes, one of which is adoption and implementation of new technology and innovation for green and blue economies,” RIIG co-chair Ocky Karna Radjasa said at a virtual meeting of the forum on Wednesday night.

Ocky, who is also chief of the Earth and Maritime Research Organization of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), said another research theme put forward by Indonesia was the conservation of biodiversity and the utilization and development of pharmacies, based on the indigenous biodiversity of each member state.

Yet another research theme pertained to the impact of climate change adaptation and mitigation actions on biodiversity and the social and economic aspect of its utilization. Indonesia also proposed the theme of clean and sustainable energy derived from non-fossil fuels at the forum.

At the meeting, Indonesia also drew attention to capacity building to allow the younger generations to obtain the outlook and practical capacity for conservation and sustainable utilization of biodiversity resources.

Ocky said Indonesia also encouraged initiatives for capacity building through research stations.

During the meeting, representatives from G20 member states, invited countries, and international organizations lauded Indonesia’s G20 Presidency, which has sought global recovery through research collaboration, among others.


Source: Antara News